Learning To Understand The Nature Of Happiness

by | Nov 12, 2021 | 14 comments

Happiness in life is what everyone wishes for but happiness is only a word describing a feeling which is hard to describe…


Do you truly understand the nature of your happiness, what makes you happy and sad ?


How many times do we see a person in a state of laughter for some time only to find sadness surrounding him/her within the next moment.


People who do not spend time to understand the nature of their happiness, they will be subject to happiness and sadness. They become confused with life because they seek only to have joy in life and reject the pain. Confusion brings about anger and rejection as they may not really be able to accept the occasions of unhappiness.


Nature Of Happiness


“Happiness that is not long lasting”….

When you do not have something, you will be too happy the moment you acquire it. But after some time there will be other things that you want and this line of craving will stretch on and thus causing more and more dissatisfaction.


  • Are you constantly seeking your own happiness with an endless list of desires and are never content ?


“Unhappiness due to anger”…

How many times does anger arise out of dissatisfaction? The result of anger is jealousy and hatred which will negatively affect the mind more and more.


  • Be careful of this trend of living before it becomes a habit, by then your mind will be filled with so much unhappiness that is very hard to unwind.


“I am happy you are happy”…

Here it is not just about searching for your own happiness, but to seek happiness for others as well. To be able to feel joy in seeing others being happy, that is happiness; to be able to help others out of their problems, that too is happiness. This is selfless happinesses.


  • How many of us are truly happy for others without feeling a bit of envy.


To Be Happy…


Try and achieve selfless happiness and see how great the difference will be. When one seeks happiness for oneself only, that kind of joy cannot be long lasting.


Try to learn to accept life as it comes. Be content with what you have. When your family is well, be grateful; when you have enough to provide for your family, be satisfied; when you have good health, be joyful.

Be happy that you have more happiness than others already and this should start you to cultivate stronger gratitude and give some thoughts to the sufferings of others.


May all always be well and happy 🙏!


Lyn 🌻😊



  1. Mark

    Good article with food for thought. Thank you Lyn.

    • Lyn

      Thank you Mark.

    • SKL

      Nice one Lyn!! True happiness is when one achieve selfless happiness. To be able to be happy when others are happy .

      • Lyn

        Indeed SKL and I am inspired by your happy nature. I still have much to learn here.

  2. NS

    Makes you wonder! Great piece, Shalyn.

    • Lyn

      Thank you NS.

  3. Viv

    Be content, be grateful, be satisfied and be joyful.

    Be humble, be selfless, be kind.

    Afterall, our life in earth is limited. Enjoy while it lasts.

    Thank you and happy weekend!

    • Lyn

      Totally agree with your added insights.. be humble, selfless and kind.. a powerful path to happiness. Thank you Viv, great sharing to learn from.

  4. Simplyme

    Indeed true happiness lies in contentment in all circumstances and a grateful heart. Thanks Lyn for sharing nuggets of wisdom.

    • Lyn

      Yes, contentment and gratitude, a very powerful combination towards happiness ! Thank you Simplyme.

  5. eliza

    Lyn wish u and your readers always well and happy. When u all are happy, I am happy. Well said Lyn totally agree, true happiness comes from within – feeling of joy, satisfaction, contentment and fulfilment. Happy people are healthier people and lead a good and meaningful life. So be around with happy people, find purpose and do things u love that make u happy.

    • Lyn

      Yes true happiness come from within and totally agree with you that happy people are healthier people. Their happiness are not measured by their material possession but how they live their life. Thank you Eliza.

  6. BT

    So true ! This is really good information on what is happiness. Thank you, Lyn !

    • Lyn

      You are welcome BT.


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