My Perspective, Your Perspective

by | Dec 6, 2020 | 18 comments

In life, we are constantly faced with the need to interact with people who have a different perspectives and this happens so often in almost every situation of life. 


I had witnessed many heated discussions or disagreements due to differences in perspective and I was guilty of engaging in some of those heated arguments. When I experienced that both sides were so firmly rooted with their respective points of view, especially when they believed so strongly in them, I saw it was very difficult to come into any agreement. In the course of my previous work, there were times when my colleagues and I would agree to disagree, which actually effectively did not land with an any aligned conclusion for the best next steps. So we were in deadlocked position. 


Fact is, there are no two persons that see the world the same way. It is all about how you would perceive a situation, an individual or interpret a fact. And sometimes perceptions can be right, sometimes they can be wrong. When you are so strong in believing in what you perceive is right, it forms your perspective that eventually shapes your life.   


Beliefs Form Perspective


How Big Is The Rubber Duck ? 

Rubber duck is a very popular toy and most of us know it’s a small palm-sized toy. My photo was taken at a tourist place with a huge giant human-sized rubber duck. 


Really, the duck is so huge ? Why not ?  What if I tell you that it was actually the same palm-sized toy rubber duck ? Do you believe what I said, or do you believe what you saw ? Think again !


Your perspective would be formed based on what you believed. It would be very hard for you to see another person’s perspective if your mind is now crowded with your own.

I was guilty as well in some  situations when I was too impatient to even let the person finish before the conversation got interrupted. I was so strong in my beliefs that I refused to change my perspective and sometimes I even felt it was a waste of time to listen. 


Sticking to your perspective without understanding others’ could create conflicts unconsciously and eventually leads to problems. 


Listen With Respect And Kindness  


To understand someone’s perspective, you need to start with respect. Showing respect that the person holds a different point of view, with kindness in your heart can go a long way.


Kindness can be just as simple as being willing to listen. No need to react to everything you have heard or seen, no need to try to change the other person’s perspective. 


This not only gives yourself a chance to understand a new perspective, it can even open up the other person’s mind to accept yours when you could truly understand why they feel the way they do. This allows you and the other person to work in harmony and enhance mutual respect which helps in building good relationships.



Process Of Learning


So, we need to be mindfully conscious and not be blindsided by our own perspective which could potentially create unnecessary conflicts that could be harmful in any relationship and our own well being. If our beliefs were based on a set of perceptions that could be wrong, there will be problems. We all have our blind spot.  


Let’s all learn from our past through listening, experiencing and seeing, and to respect this process of learning so that we can keep improving.

Lyn 🌻😊




  1. Siku

    Nice sharing! In fact, learning to listen n accept each other views can save us many friendship & relationship. It took me many years to realize this & i am still learning.

    • Lyn

      Hi Siku, thank you very much for your comment ! Glad you resonate with the article and totally agree with your point about saving friendship and keeping relationship. Yes, lets keep learning ❤️

  2. Eliza

    Thanks Lyn for sharing very valuable insight about different perspectives, especially during your course of work. It made me realised that understanding different perspectives is as important as knowing ourselves. U are so true in your sharing. U make me understand the importance of mindfulness by listening to others with respect and kindness.

    • Lyn

      Hi Eliza, thank you ! So happy with your feedback and that you find this article helpful for your personal development ❤️

  3. Philip K

    Hi Lyn,
    What you have written about different perspectives due to different minds of people is something we have all overlooked . I can also identify that respect and kindness for others are necessary and these are lacking in this period of time.
    Thanks for this awakening.

    • Lyn

      Hi Philip, thank you so much for your comment ! I am very happy that you find it meaningful and awakening. It is very encouraging and motivating for me to keep writing more post that my reader can resonate with ❤️

  4. Leanne

    Wow. Lyn… nice post, you nailed it right there for me to reflect. Thank you for this simple yet awakening article

    • Lyn

      Hi Leanne, thank you for your comment and glad that you find this article relevant and helpful ❤️

  5. Lionel chye Chng

    Thank you for sharing this nice piece of wisdom !

    • Lyn

      Hi Lionel, thank you very much for your comment !

  6. Daniel Cheoh

    Thanks for the reminder.
    Great to see you adopting a more relaxed view to life !
    No need to win all the time 🙂 great reminder !

    • Lyn

      Hi Daniel, thank you so much for your comments and I like your summary on “no need to win all the time”, indeed a great reminder !

  7. Daniel Kwek

    Lyn, thank you for being so open to share on your encounter on work conflicts. A friend of mine, Georgy Chan posted @Linkedin said this, “We all need to recognise and accept its existence among people. Pretending it does not exist is not only living in denial but also unrealistic”. Recently too another friend of mine who is now residing in the US wrote to me in the Email concerning facing work conflicts in his workplace that ” First thing first, we have to know what is our end in mind. Can there be a “Agreed to Disagree” in the end or it have to be an absolute “Yes or No”. Only then can we proceed to do what we agreed upon and act on it”.

    He said the right thing ! Even then , we must learn to tune in to the other party’s particular wavelength so that we understand him as he is and not as he might be. There must be trust , acceptance and willingness to listen. The author Dan Heath who wrote the book entitled “Upstream” mentioned that the difference between a high-and Low-trust relationship is palpable! In a high -trust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship , you can be very measured, even precise, and they will still misinterprete you.

    • Lyn

      Hi Daniel, thank you so much for your interesting input and comments. Much appreciated !

  8. Viv

    Thank you for the wise advice! Sometimes we tend to forget that the person in the other end also bring to the table his/her own wealth of experience and knowledge that we let our own pride and ego take over. Have to constantly keep that in mind.

    • Lyn

      Hi Viv, thank you so much for your insightful comments, much appreciated !

  9. Yam

    I always remember someone telling me.. God gave us two ears, two eyes and one mouth… Use them wisely and effectively… How true.

    • Lyn

      Thank you !


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