Staying Calm In Crisis

by | Feb 5, 2021 | 15 comments

Are you able to remain steady and calm when you are confronted with a life’s problem? Or are you one of those who suffer from anxiety whenever an issue of life arises?


Many people find dealing with problems difficult and challenging; creating lots of fears, tensions and worries, to the degree that they could not find peace. 


Everyone has problems, none exempted ! However, the abilities to deal with problems vary from one person to another depending on his or her mental capacity to cope.


In my last post, I mentioned briefly about mind and the power of thoughts; and unless the mind is trained to see itself, how it works, we will not be able to deal with life’s problems successfully.


I shall share some ideas which I try to practise, and they certainly have helped me stay calmer when dealing with problems and any crisis.


Acceptance of problems: the reality is problems exist, and one cannot self-deny oneself to believe that there are no problems. 


It is only with acceptance that the mind calms itself, resulting in ability to think clearly and find answers to the problems.

Keep staying being aware: you will find your mind crowded with many distractions. 


By being watchful of your mind, and how it keeps distracting itself, you cut down a lot of unnecessary mental and physical activities that usually compound your problems.



Stay away from blaming others: blaming others only distracts you from staying focused to handle your problems with self-responsibility. 


Self-responsibility is about you exercising your power to help yourself, which is truly your key to happiness and success in life.


Accept changes in life: actually, if you look deep, a problem can be your source of re-evaluation of the way you do things and even the way you live life. 


Learn to discover new ways of doing things that may bring even better results than before.

Keep up your positive attitude: don’t be afraid, but courageously face your problems and challenges, knowing that any negative thinking will not help you. 


Stay positive with self-belief that you can do what you are meant to do.


Belief in the higher power: your faith in something larger than you, gives you stability and self-confidence to do what you need to do to handle your problems. 


I would chant this sacred mantra Om Mani Padme Hum silently in my heart as I go about my activities. 



6 simple steps, but if you ponder on these 6 steps and how they actually change your mind-set and mental attitude, you will know how powerful these steps are. 


Take baby steps and celebrate small successes as you experience them. It is a life journey, takes commitment and practice to experience progress.

Lyn 🌻😊



  1. SKL

    I have been kept awake the whole night thinking of a problem. You have enlightened me to first accept the problem to calm my mind and to stay positive. Thanks for sharing!

    • Dennis

      Great reminder

  2. Linton

    Lyn, you have very good wisdom, very good advise!! Stay calm but not many people can handle it. Times to reflect and practice it.
    Love, linton

  3. Simplyme

    Well summarized and great nuggets to live life by! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yam

    Such great reminders… No to passive aggressive. No to self victimisation. Yes to knowing what you control and what you don’t, just let it go. Yes to smiling no matter how hard it is as the problem is. My fews.

  5. Satey

    Well said Lyn! Thank you for your time and energy in writing this post to remind us & help us be at peace with our problems.

  6. Viv

    Awareness, realization and acceptance. Great advice and now I know why you are always so calm!

  7. NS

    A true testament on how to function on cris! good post

  8. Naveen Reddy

    This is a timely post with a lot of uncertainty around. As you highlighted, acceptance, staying involved and moving away from blaming others is the best way to deal with any crisis!

  9. Leanne

    Great article, much needed in this period …. if we would ponder on the steps you mentioned, apply them to our lives, we can rise above many difficulties and stay on top rather than be swept away by the waves. Thanks for sharing in your blog your wisdom … much appreciated.

  10. Lc

    Thanks for sharing !

  11. Lyn

    Thank you all so much for your comments and added perspectives. My sincere apologies for responding late to each of you individually here. Your comments mean a lot to me and my readers, as we can continue to learn from each other experiences. Thank you for taking the time and effort, do keep them coming 🙂

  12. ckp

    Your article reminds me of some phrases that guided me well, it’s from a very respected monk 圣严法师:
    Sharing with all

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience with all here ! Great guidance: Face It, Accept It, Deal with It and Let It Go.

  13. Eliza

    Hello Lyn! Strongly agree. A lot of people freaked out, anxious and fearful when in crisis. As a result, panic makes us behave in an emotional manner than a thoughtful manner. So it is important to calm our mind and body with deep breathing and stay positive when facing difficult situation. I personally experienced by removing myself from the situation, take care of my body e.g.execise, eat regularly, have good sleep help to better deal with a crisis. Also reach out to close family and friends during difficult times help me to cope better with a crisis.


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