Don’t Lose The Beauty Of Siblings Bond

by | Apr 23, 2021 | 16 comments

Siblings’ good relationship is so precious and pivotal to one’s comfort, peace and happiness… 


As young kids, siblings would play together innocently; as teenagers, they would start to fight over differences; as young adults, their priorities would change and they would have less time for each other; and eventually most would get married and have a family of their own.


As siblings grow up with different personalities and priorities, they could go their separate ways or bond with one another strongly. However it might be, it is a blood relationship that can never be completely ignored or broken, for there will always be a connection that would keep one’s mental state at peace or disturbed. 


Royalties are no exception. Prince William and Prince Harry badly strained relationship is breaking the hearts of Duchess of Cambridge Kate and Prince Charles. Quote recent news: “Kate is absolutely heartbroken to see they’ve fallen out… She loves Harry and he says she’s the sister he never had”.


Every good relationship needs work:


Sometimes, it takes a ‘crisis’ to open up opportunities for siblings to put disagreements in perspective, and put family above self. Siblings have an innate love for one another and taking the first humble steps can make a huge difference to mend a strained relationship. 


1. Just a simple call; a message; a hug, these are thoughts of affections that can bring much comfort.  And do not take for granted these expressions of kindness, reciprocate with gratitude and warmth. 


2. Communication is key and have open-hearted talk to understand one another and to clear any misunderstanding. Having an argument to thrash things out is better than going into a silent shutdown mode.


3. Everyone makes mistakes and takes time to work through their lives, but if our heart is not forgiving, we would not be able to see their pain and what they are going through. Yes they may have done wrong but could also be suffering in pain. Extending our thoughts of love and patience will eventually soften their heart.


Siblings Bonding In A Staycation

One of the biggest gifts that all children can give to their parents is harmony and a mother’s comfort is when children live with love in their hearts, learn to forgive and live harmoniously. I want to thank my children for giving me this joy and comfort, and am grateful for this blessing… OM MANI PADME HUM.




  1. Leanne

    Great post …yes sibling love is a very special bond… you are so blessed to have such good relationships with your siblings . Your staycation looks so fun together….

    • Lyn

      Yes I am so grateful to my siblings, they are always so considerate and thoughtful… we had so much fun together in our recent staycation … learning to give more then you take helps keep the harmony

  2. SKL

    You deserve the blessing for you have brought your children up well ! Enjoy your family!

    • Lyn

      Indeed very grateful to have a harmonious family and good children. I hope my learnings shared here can help more readers to enjoy the same joy and comfort..

  3. Sai Chandrasekhar KV

    Can’t agree more. Only challenge is that this realisation more often than not sets in a little too late. EGO comes in between!

    • Lyn

      Yes Sai, absolutely agree that learning humility is key to a harmonious relationship ! It’s never too late… I hope my learnings and experience shared here can help remind my readers some tips to building a good relationship.. so feel free to share .

  4. Lina

    So true…blood indeed thicker than water.. treasure and love them. Thanks Lyn, great post

    • Lyn

      Yes Lina… treasure and love them, love it !

  5. ML


    • Lyn


  6. SL

    Hi lyn,
    Nice to know siblings outing,lots of fun together.
    Enjoy the bonding, see u guys soon
    Love, S.L

    • Lyn

      We had a lot of fun in our staycation, great sibling bonding ❤️… can’t wait for border to open so we can travel together again !

  7. Spring

    I am lucky like you too because I love my siblings and they love me too. They always helped to shape my smile to as large an arch as possible. In my heart, I know when the sun goes down, the darkness of my night will be comfort by my siblings and fear will disappear. Great pleasure to read another heart searching article. Thank you.

    • Lyn

      Yes, we are so blessed to have siblings bond and love… grateful for the strong relationship ❤️. Thank you for sharing, I pray that our learnings shared here can help my readers out there towards building a strong positive siblings relationship.

  8. Eliza

    Lyn I enjoy reading your article. Well said. It is important to have gratitude for the special bond that comes with siblings – a lifelong relationship. The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other. Also we don’t get to choose our siblings. They are God’s gift to us. Although siblings relationship can be complicated, however no sibling is perfect. Agree, we fight and argue, even stop talking to each other at times, but in the end we are family, cannot torn apart. It is beautiful we were raised up together and have many childhood memories to treasure. The advantages of growing up with many siblings are we won’t face problems alone, always receiving love, support, comfort, peace and hugs from each other, respecting and appreciating each other’s differences. Thus I may not have lots of money but I still feel rich cos I have many loving siblings stay connected by heart even some are staying overseas. Happiness is seeing each other smile, spending quality time together more important than friends. Good sharing Lyn. I will continue to nurture good sibling relationship by planning fun activities together e.g. visiting places of interest/ attractions, riding bikes, watching new movies, dine and celebrate special occasions and many more.

    • Lyn

      So well said Eliza ! Connected by heart, wherever they are; and feeling happy when they are happy; always there for each other; respecting each other differences .. the richness of this harmonious relationship is priceless ❤️. May I pray for all siblings out there to experience this same joy and comfort in their life journey.


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