Live Our Life Well

by | Apr 2, 2021 | 17 comments

It has been a solemn past two weeks dealing with the passing of a dear family member… I did not have a lot of free time but I certainly had a lot more quality quiet time to reflect and think deeply about life.


My interests in spirituality and life gets heightened, as I started to read up more on what happens when one reaches the end of life. At the end of life, if nothing endures but only my consciousness, what would I like to see in my life flashback …


My mind went momentarily blank. I had never thought of it this way before. I had witnessed two end of life within the span of sixteen months and watching them went peacefully was in itself a huge comfort. It didn’t dawn upon me that there could be a possibility of a life flashback, although I do believe that the soul or consciousness continues to live on after the death of the body.



Song Of My Life 


How do I want to write the Song Of My Life so that when it is flashback, there would be no bad notes or chords, my consciousness would be at peace and I would be happy with it …



I believe in Karma and that we are here in this life to pay back our Karmic debts by means of right action.


To share one of Dalai Lama tweets: “Negative Karma can be countered by creating positive karma  and action motivated by compassion is good karma. To complain that what happens to you is just the result of your karma is lazy….”


This serves as a constant reminder for me and that we can change our karma by living with the right actions. This creates a new way of living that will help oneself change our destiny. I was once a victim of my own laziness, blaming everything that went wrong on bad Karma. 


How do I now practice self-awareness and self-discipline to complete my Song Of Life with harmonious notes and happy tunes. 



Practising Self-awareness and Self-discipline 




When faced with a bad situation, rather than blaming others or on bad karma, ask yourself, what am I doing about it… my laziness, my anger, my attachment, my pride ?


Learn to be honest and truthful with yourself, and make compassion the basis of your determination. This has helped you think of what the future can be, take the right actions and not keep dwelling on what happened in the past.


It takes a lifetime to complete our Song Of Life, and so we need to check out these things in our day to day lives and change the bad notes or chords as we become aware of them. 

So live life to the fullest and treat each day like it was the last. Be grateful and appreciate the little things in life. Be kind and do not judge as you never know what one may be going through. May you find your own pace, start with simple practice of doing kind deeds for both yourself and others. 


I wish you Peace, Joy and Happiness.

Lyn 🌻😊


  1. Leanne

    Many of us live with a lazy and careLess attitude, hence unable to receive the good rewards of peace, joy & happiness that are there for us to collect.
    Unless we start thinking about the true meaning of life, life just passes by ….and soon it’s time to leave…

    Thank you for reminding us to live well.

    • Lyn

      Thank you Leanne for your very thoughtful comments ❤️ Often times, it would take a live event to trigger us to reflect … it does take a lot of determination and discipline to live well .. glad we could share our experiences here and encourage each other to keep going

  2. SKL

    The concluding paragraph is filled with great reminders. Thanks again for sharing Lyn!

    • Lyn

      Thank you SKL ! So happy you resonate with the concluding paragraph… May you find your own pace living well ❤️

  3. SL

    Hi lyn,
    Happy Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Nice to read your article and i believe in karma..

    Love SL

    • Lyn

      Thank you SL and wishing you a Happy Good Friday and Easter Sunday too .. may you live well and may good karma be with you ❤️

  4. NS

    More power to you & your loved ones to deal with grief.

    More importantly to know that everyone is doing the best that they can is peaceful on its own.

    Socrates taught that there is no evil in the world; there’s only ignorance.

    Also great reflection – what would be “our flashback” be like ? It got me thinking too.

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much NS for your well wishes ..
      Indeed, important to be at peace with our actions..

  5. Liza

    Hi Lyn thank u for sharing your thoughts and experiences how to live the best life possible. I agree life is hard and full of unexpected happenings. Our blessings and good karma come from our compassionate heart to help others to have a life well-lived. This remind me we have no control over others but we can change ourselves to learn what to do in different situations.

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much Liza for your very thoughtful comments. It is so well summarised and your last sentence is a great reminder for me … change ourselves to learn what to do in different situations!

  6. Michelle Lee

    We all write our own song of life !
    I believe you have written a beautiful one !
    Your articles is always so heart awakening!
    And always remind me to bring up the best of myself !
    Thanks for sharing
    You have my respect!
    It’s not easy to lost your 2 loved ones in 16 months
    Take good care of yourself ❤️

    • Lyn

      Thank you Michelle! Yes, we are all in charge of our Song of Life and it is up to us how we want to fill the .. I am still adjusting and it does take a lot of determination and discipline to live well.. wishing you all the best as you practice living well and writing your own Song ❤️

  7. Spring

    Like your image of piano.
    I believe in Karma. Yes, we are here not to judge others because we dont’t know the depth of others’ lives. Whenever I was down, I told myself I did wrong, I failed then thinking I was evening it out with the debt I owed or things I did wrong in my past life. All I believe is I must continue doing good, being kind and humble. Every smile or joy or little help I can bring to someone, I am achieving good Karma for the giver and receiver. My sincere sympathy to you and family. I thank you for sharing your sincere thoughts and provoking me to think harder towards making a good Music of my Life or is it ‘Song of my life’? I would prefer to leave this life with a friendly smile and return to next life with a crying laugh..

    • Lyn

      Thank you Spring for sharing your experiences. I admire your spirit and focus of doing good, being kind and humble. When we are grateful for the negatives and treat them as lessons in life to make us a better person, it does help us live more meaningfully and make us a happier person ❤️.

      • Spring

        Thank you

  8. Viv

    Sorry for your loss Lyn! Lots of hugs!
    Thank you for sharing that our life is like a song!
    Will continue to write a beautiful song just like you.

    Few lines from “My Way” by Frank Sinatra
    Regrets, l’ve had a few
    But then again too few to mention
    I did what I had to do
    I saw it through without exemption
    I planned each chartered course
    Each careful step along the byway
    And more, much more than this
    I did it my way…

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much Viv ❤️…very meaningful lyrics from “My Way”


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