Courage To Face Life… And Live Well

by | Jun 18, 2021 | 21 comments

Do you have the courage to face life and live well ? Are you always ready and willing to face negative situations involving pain and deal with them honestly?


In our life journey, we would definitely be faced with ordeals that could lead us to feel hurt, fearful, helpless or even hopeless. These are very fearful circumstances…we can face it and live with strength to overcome it; or we can withdraw from life and live in depression hoping the problems will go away.


Life is a roller coaster ride of experiential learning… some of us may be too fearful to face it, so we camouflage the pain and withdraw from life; some of us have no choice but to face it but we close our eyes to reality and never really fully resolved the inner fear; and some of us just find the courage to just face it and live in strength to see through the ordeal peacefully.


How To Be A Courageous Person…


Courage is not built overnight, we do not suddenly have the strength when we are faced with a life crisis. It is our daily life habits and practice that help develop our strength to always be ready to face any negative situations. But we must first be willing…



1. Be Honest…  If you are not honest with your inner feelings, you may not be at peace with yourself. Acknowledge your fear that truth sometimes hurts and it is painful to face it, but not facing it can lead to longer term pain and mess. Speak and face the truth.


2. Be Humble… If you are not humble enough to ask for help, you may continue to be lost in the ordeal which could get messier over time. Whatever the ordeal may be, being humble to ask for help could help you see a different perspective and the courage to face the consequences of the truth.


3. Be Caring… If you see someone hurting, having a caring heart will give you the strength to communicate sincerely to help resolve the pain. Ask kindly and sincerely on what is causing someone the pain, and could you have unconsciously caused the hurt. When you care enough, you will have the courage to find out the truth.


4. Be Positive… I have seen this quality in a friend who had sadly just passed away and she was only 46 years old. She was such a courageous person, took her terminal illness in her stride, and continued to live life to the fullest. She had always been a very positive person throughout her life, even till her last breath.


5. Be Purposeful… As you journey through all stages of life roller coaster rides, do it with a life purpose to come out of each one stronger than the one before, and develop strength so as to always be ready to face life with courage…


A deeper understanding of these five qualities will give us the strength to journey on and face life with courage.

Lyn 🌻😊



  1. Lina

    Yes takes courage to acknowledge, confront & arrest before negative thoughts sink and take root. Humility to acknowledge, staying positive & purposeful strengthen one through difficult times. So true, Thanks Lyn

    • Lyn

      Thank you Lina, very well summarized point which is very invaluable for my readers to takeaway !

  2. Yam

    Be courageous… Why can something so simple be so difficult for many of us? Pride? Ego? Clueless? Lacking self awareness? Hmm something to confront first because some one wise once told me, if you cant root cause, you csnt solve. What’s yours? 🙂

    • Lyn

      Wow Yam, this is on point ! Good prompt for all of us to ponder and I am sure my readers will benefit from this very thoughtful comment !

  3. SKL

    Thank you Lyn for the tips on how to be a courageous person! Now it is a question of how to put them into practice

    • Lyn

      Thanks SKL ! Indeed not easy at all and there is really no A-Z methods. Took me a while to even see the need to be courageous before I could deeply reflect the steps needed to help me move forward. I was also very inspired by an incredibly courageous friend who had recently passed on. She had all the qualities I shared and many more.. taking baby steps to practice at every opportunity helps but one must 1st recognize the need.

  4. Rajiv Srivastava

    Thanks Lyn, well thought through as always. The other thing I would add is self confidence.

    Best wishes

    • Lyn

      Yes of course self confidence, and many others not listed as well… thanks for calling that out Rajiv !

  5. Den Mark

    Great sharing! Not easy but life is never easy. The earlier we could embrace it, the more we could make the best out of every situation!

    • Lyn

      Indeed, it can only get better… only if we try ! Thanks Dennis !

  6. Leanne

    Thank you Lyn … your experiences in your life must have helped you see deeply to be able to share with us so clearly about the courage to face life and live life.

    I have helped many people who were on the brink of suicide because their minds were blurred out by their lack of courage to face their own fears in their heart and mind, and I discover that with some caring help, they do open up to face life with COURAGE… and with Courage comes the self-confidence to help themselves….

    I hope your blog will grow in readerships as truly it can help many people find Courage to live well.

    • Lyn

      Leanne, I am so inspired by your service to help those in need. The suicidal cases are especially delicate and not easy at all to handle. Thanks for sharing your experience here, great learning and will certainly benefit my readers too. Yes I hope as well that more people will benefit from our sharing…

  7. Nasir

    Very good discussion.. Also Surrounding with positivity and happy environment always helpful for any nagative situations. So a good bunch of family and positive friends always helpful in tough times.

    Thanks N

  8. Sai Chandrasekhar KV

    All very valid points. A different perspective is that fear comes from desires. Fear that a desire will not be fulfilled. If we can reduce our desires, then the fear also reduces proportionately and a desire less state means fearless.

    • Lyn

      That’s a great added perspective Sai, thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Vivi

    Recently, I read an article about a single mom of 3 who became a successful technology entrepreneur. During her darkest days, she realized that “you have to love yourself, before others can love you”.

    So true, self worthiness is key to a courageous life.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts too!

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much Vivi for sharing your experience. This is so true… so proud of that successful single mom !

  10. BT

    Thank you so much for these sharing, Lyn ! Definitely so true on all those tips. That is how life should be.

    • Lyn

      Thank you BT and glad you resonated with those tips. Each of us may have different experiences and I am sure there are many more qualities beyond my 5 that can help one to be more courageous.

      Some of my readers have shared more qualities here as well .. Keep them coming my dear readers, that’s how we learn from one another.

  11. Spring

    Dear Lyn, I not only learn from you but, also from your readers. Every positive proposal, suggestion, thought is good to consider and understand. Everybody’s circumstance is different. Often, one said: Everybody has to die. But, when one is faced with one’s own management and acceptance of death, one often behaves differently from what one expresses casually. Fear does kicks in and over shadows one’s decision to be positive and courageous. What’s in one’s mind when facing death?

    • Lyn

      Thank you for your sharing and I totally agree with you everybody’s circumstances are different. No one can ever know another person’s mind especially the mind of someone facing death. And there is no way one can ask another just to be courageous when facing death. We can only flow with the dying person and offer lots of love in accordance to whatever the situation allows. Facing death is generally a very difficult task for most of humanity, although we know death is certain for everyone. I think it is best to respect and allow the dying person his own choice of what he wants so that there is some peace.


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