Seeking A Higher Purpose In Life…

by | Jun 11, 2021 | 17 comments

Time once passed can never get it back… I have a brief moment of awakening triggered by two very sad events in just the past one month and I think I finally and truly understood what this really means. 


For far too long, I have been prompting myself not to waste this lifetime away and do something meaningful but it has been a challenge to be consistent with concrete actions… All the learnings I have had so far, they are all nothing but just theory unless I translate them into meaningful actions and keep working on them consistently. 


Even simple act like helping those in need… whether directly or through a charity organisation; be giving time and/or money; be it to someone you know or a total stranger; etc… some do it with joy, ease and enthusiasm whereas others may find it difficult to even get started. For me, it has been like a hot and cold relationship…


There are many of us who will only practise charity in our thoughts; some of us will donate occasionally; others will step up when asked for support; there are those who will volunteer whenever they have the time; and school students who have community services as part of their curriculum; etc… I have been there and done that, and what I am struggling with now is consistency…


Charity begins at home… a well known phrase… and in my definition, home is myself. I need to first help myself discover my purpose and intention of wanting to help others. Is it for my ego; or is it an obligation and responsibility; or is it coming from my heart willingly and if so, why ? 


Key Learnings…


Taking our first initiated step to help others will get us in touch with our deeper self, we get to know ourselves better. Helping others teaches us and helps generate a heart that is kind, caring, helpful, patient and compassionate. It also helps bring up our development areas, such as learning how not to be too reactive that can sometimes trigger us to being too judgemental with what we see on the surface.

Another important lesson… to help without getting tied up in their lives or with their problems… This is a common pitfall amongst volunteers and it can drain our energy completely if we do not learn to detach. Does this make us any less compassionate, no because we need to be kind to ourselves to be able to show kindness to others.


A Changed Perspective…


So, in helping others, we are actually helping ourselves to be a better person. Slowly and steadily, the work will manifest the virtues that are dormant in us. It is by good heart and fair-mindedness that this path of caring may be transversed with greater joy, ease, and enthusiasm that will help sustain our commitment more consistently !

I hope my baby steps daily will develop into weeks and weeks into months and years to come…
❤️. Let’s not lose those precious time anymore !


Lyn 🌻😊



  1. Spring

    Lyn, you have found all the answers. Good luck to helping yourself and others . Much love, Springxx

    • Lyn

      Thank you ❤️

  2. Simplyme

    Inspiring! It’s better late than never. Sometimes in giving, we receive and learn so much more. Enjoy the journey!

    • Lyn

      Thank you ❤️.. indeed a very fulfilling experience !

  3. Alina

    Well said! Especially the second important lesson. Thanks for sharing, Lyn.
    Your blogs are already a big step ahead in helping people!

    • Lyn

      Thanks Alina ! It makes me happy and keeps me motivated to keep writing when my readers find it inspiring and tap on some useful tips to better their lives ❤️…

  4. DanielCheoh

    Good self awareness Lyn !
    I have found often that when I am helping others, I am actually helping myself through learning more about myself.
    Many times I think i am helping others but actually they are helping me to grow and helping me to realised more about myself.
    Truly happy to see you on this journey !

    • Lyn

      That’s great Daniel !

  5. SKL

    It is a blessing to be able to give!! Keep going Lyn!

    • Lyn

      Thanks SK,indeed it’s a huge blessings ❤️

  6. NS

    Amazing perspective & good read!

    • Lyn

      Thank you NS !

  7. Eliza

    Lyn so glad u discover your higher purpose in life. Honestly, I always ponder about spending time doing something meaningful but never take action. Your article has motivated me. Well said Lyn, helping other people helps us feel worthy and give us a sense of purpose to live a better life. Most importantly take action . I will seriously think about my goals on how to add value to other’s lives and plan what i truly love to do. Thank u Lyn.

    • Lyn

      Glad my article has inspired you. I am sure you will find something meaningful to do soon and love it ! Take small steps and enjoy it and grow… no need to be too ambitious as a start.

  8. Viv

    Giving is truly meaningful when it comes from the heart, the recipient will feel it too! You are right, consistency is key. Thanks for your thoughts! Hugs!

    • Lyn


  9. Yam

    Good one! True! Consistency.. Something for me to reflect on


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