Everything That Happens Has Its Lessons…

by | Aug 6, 2021 | 26 comments

When do you learn the most important lessons of your life ? Some lessons we would have easily forgotten but the most important lessons are those we would remember for a long time.


There are many events in our life that teach beautiful lessons but our most important lessons are taught to us when we are most down and faced with the most problems. These are the lessons when we felt so threatened and defeated; so misunderstood; the pain was so deep that these are the lessons that will carry through our lives….         


Some Of My Most Important Life Lessons


  1. Telling a lie and getting into trouble, falling into a slippery slope of having to tell many more lies just to patch for the first lie, the fear of having that lie discovered and the severe consequences…even though my experience had happened a long time ago, I will forever remember this lesson of always telling the truth.


  1. Faced with a health scare and all of a sudden the world seemed to be falling apart…forever would remember those fearful and disbelief teaching moments, never take your health and life for granted. I keep learning to live life more meaningfully with no regrets as tomorrow may never come.


  1. Thinking that I was extending help but imposing my views and standards on others had led me into all kinds of troubles and misunderstandings, especially when the other party was not ready… Many painful lessons have now served as a constant reminder for me to check on whether I was ‘helping’ to boost my ego or helping with my purest intention and kindness.


  1. One of my most shocking and memorable lessons was taught by my then 10 years old daughter when she asked me one day “Mummy why are you always living in regrets?”. I was not at all conscious that I was frequently using “If only … ” in many of my conversations. When it came from your child, it really hit you hard as it was the most innocent and pure teaching moment. 


Learn Our Lessons 

We tend to take life for granted when it is going well, we would get complacent and sometimes careless. When something bad happens, that’s when we learn our most important lessons and frantically try to salvage the bad situation. Some turn to faith in religion too for strength when faced with a crisis in life.


Everything that happens has its lessons, and it is up to us if we keep growing from these life lessons or we breed a potential crisis. Treat every lesson as important so that you can be in control and avoid a life crisis as much as possible.   




  1. Spring

    Extremely good article. Short, sweet and powerful delivery.
    Thank you, Springxx

    • Lyn

      Thank you very much Spring !

  2. SL

    Children are innocent and their mind and heart are pure.
    I see rude children normally their parents set bad role model for their kids to follow.
    Everyday we are learning and try our best to be a better human beings. Lyn you can write so well. Wishes i can follow you but i am not a kid anymore my mind is slow and don’t absorb like a sponge. Stay safe & well.

    • Lyn

      Indeed we adults are role model for our children and its so important to start it right when they are very young.

      There are so many lessons in life and with the right learning attitude, we get better by the day. There is always something we can learn everyday, either from our own experience or through others.

      Stay safe too SL !

  3. Alina

    So true and what you wrote resonate with how I feel too!

    • Lyn

      Hi Alina, thank you so much for sharing your experiences too.

  4. NS

    Quite introspective and extremely well written article! Thanks for sharing

    • Lyn

      You are welcome NS. I appreciate and value your feedback, as always !

  5. SKL

    Thanks for sharing Lyn! Nice article ! We need to also constantly remind ourselves not to forget the lessons learnt and not to repeat the same mistakes.

    • Lyn

      You are welcome SKL and excellent point ! Thank you !

  6. AY

    Thanks for sharing Lyn. This is my first time putting up my voice here after I have been reading your articles since your first day of publishing.

    It is not easy to do a reflection on ourselves base on the lesson learn in life and keep reminding us not to repeat it again. As human being, we are also a piece of ‘Reason-able machine’, always find reason or even excuse for ourselves to avoid the consequences, instead of facing the fact and reality in an authentic way.

    Very inspiring in your sharing. Appreciate

    • Lyn

      You are welcome AY ! Totally agreed with what you said, that’s the constant struggle of human being and it is really up to ourselves how we want to live our life.

      I really appreciate your thoughtful comments here, it means a lot to me. Thank you and look forward to hearing more of your thoughts in future articles :)…

  7. Serena Yong

    Always grateful for your sharing Shalyn!
    Your reflections and self discovery of life leasons are so closed to mine, as if i was doing my own self reflection now.

    Pls continue to share, inspire many others like me.
    May you be always well and happy

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much Serena for your encouragement and well wishes, it means a lot to me ! May you always be healthy and peaceful !

  8. Doreen

    Love your sharing Shalyn, i can identify with many of your reflections here. In turning to God i find peace, comfort, and a sense of purpose and meaning in how life’s events unfold for me, and i’m able to make peace with my past mistakes and move on…..Happy National Day!

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience Doreen. May Divine Blessings be with you and may you be peaceful and happy always !

  9. BT

    Thank so much for your sharing, Lyn ! They definitely resonates with me .

    • Lyn

      You are welcome BT and thank you for sharing experience too.

  10. Dung

    Nice article. Indeed we shld always learn from our lessons, improve on it and move on. Its not how hard you fall, its how you picked yourself up and move on, that matters.

    • Lyn

      Thank you so much Dung for your thoughtful comments ! Well said, when we learn our lessons well, we will keep growing stronger and happier by the day !

  11. Jimmy

    Hi Lyn, nice article. Reflection is the most powerful way to continue explore, change or not change. It’s ok when if only. This make life an exciting journey behind us and in front of us. Keep writing, keep inspiring!

    • Lyn

      Hey Jimmy, so happy you like the article. Keep learning from the past to make tomorrow better ! Thank you for your valuable comments and encouragements.

  12. Mindy

    Hi Lyn, indeed we always get complacent when in good times and start to feel regrets when crisis happens. People around us are our angels especially our family whom we always take them for granted. This article is a good reminder as we are moving so fast everyday. We need to pause and reflect. Thanks for sharing and keep up the spirit. God bless!

    • Lyn

      Well said Mindy ! Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments, much appreciated ! May you be blessed too ❤️

  13. Eliza

    Lyn honestly I aren’t the type to believe that everything happens for a reason and has its lessons. Not until many years ago an unpleasant lesson happened on me. I’ve to be open to the pain and difficulty to be truly open to what it is I’m supposed to gain from this experience. It is hard to believe but think of it, people come into your life for a reason. It is the idea that no matter how good or how painful a role they played, they taught us something, something that will reveal itself to us at some point. This goes hand in hand with the concept that everything that happened has its lessons. I agree!

    • Lyn

      Wow Eliza, thank you for much for sharing your personal experience. There is so much we can learn from one another and yes, I have the same experience too, we do not know why certain things happen in our life till many years later… I am learning to me more mindful now so that I do not wait so long to learn my lesson 🙂


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