Successful People Sees The Need To Be Self-Disciplined

by | Aug 20, 2021 | 19 comments

Self-discipline is the foundation for a successful living and building groundwork to establish that discipline is so pivotal.


As I transitioned out of my 33 years of corporate life into a new set of routines and interests, my appreciation on the importance of self-discipline has become much more elevated. It is so easy to get derailed when routines are not established and discipline is not enforced. 


Whatever you are doing or planning to do, whether it is keeping body fitness with a healthy diet and exercise; or keeping mental fitness with quiet sitting and de-stressing activities; or performing professional work and meeting goals; or developing personal growth to live a more purposeful life; etc…every of these activities require discipline to see results.


Self-Discipline For A Successful Living


Immediate months post my retirement, friends and former colleagues would ask how I was keeping up. My response had been…”keeping very busy”… but quite honestly I could not quite describe what exactly I was busy with. There were still so many things I wanted to do but never seemed to have the time to either get started or get them done. 


It really all boils down to the need for better self-discipline ! I wanted to do a lot of things but I was not disciplined enough to organise my activities and execute them accordingly. Yes I was indeed busy, but not productive. My learnings:


Successful people are very self-disciplined in organising their life’s activities, and hence are more able to use resources to their maximum benefits. 


When we have self-discipline, our life is less chaotic, more manageable and more peaceful. Our mind will have space for new ideas, clearer thinking and creativity. 


Determination And Perseverance 


It is so important to establish a clear routine and enforce self-discipline to follow it through. But it is also the nature of our human mind to ‘rebel’ to discipline, so we need to learn to apply the antidote of determination and a persevering spirit, to tame it.


There is a viral video circulating on social media showing the Table Tennis Gold Medallist Olympian’s path to her success…she started training at the age of 5 with consistent discipline, determination and perseverance. While many celebrated her success, often overlooked was her tremendous hard work and the tons of tears she had shed to get her there.


So, our journey of self-discipline may not be an easy one but as long as we keep persevering with determination, we can only get better with each day.


Lyn 🌻😊


  1. Dennis

    From my personal experience, discipline is a great foundation and should be developed as early as we could. It’s useful at individual level to bring out the best of each person. And very critical at team level to build a culture of dependable performers.

    • Lyn

      Absolutely agreed, thanks Dennis for sharing your experience !

  2. Spring



    one can be ‘jack of all trade’ or out of focus and continue to be blurred or find out one’s true interest/s and as you said : be discipline, work on it and reach the grade one aims to achieve . Lots to suit to live now and be happy.

    • Lyn

      Well said Spring… one needs to stay focus with the right interests and motivations to sustain the discipline and effort.

  3. Jimmy Ong

    Great article on self-discipline. The question is that where this mental discipline comes from? lack of discipline is also a lack of motivation. When we understand and align to our purpose, the rest is about flawless execution.

    • Lyn

      Your points are spot on Jimmy… knowing one’s intention and purpose will help motivate the disciple and effort.

    • SKL

      I read from an article before. If we want to achieve a goal, practice and do the same thing continuously for 20 days. After that, it will become a habit and be part of us. The ingredient to get us through the 20 days is none but self-motivation which will drive us to perserve through.

      • Lyn

        Good add SKL…those first 20 continuous days will always the hardest as once it is broken, it has to be started all over again…

      • Eliza

        Lyn, I am someone with little self discipline cos I find it difficult – it requires on going practice and take time to develop. However after reading your article, I realize and feel inspired that if we can handle self discipline, we’ll stay motivated and are more likely to achieve success toward a better life. Good suggestion. All I need is a little push to take that next step – that’s how self discipline begin, right? I will set small goals first, layout an action plan and put It where i can see them everyday. If i work on it, I believe I am on the path to achieve my goals. Thank u Lyn for your reminder on the importance of self discipline. Hope I will feel happier for making progress to change my life for the better.

        • Lyn

          Glad you find it useful and feeling inspired Eliza. Well done for taking the first steps.. happy practising !

  4. Vivian Chua

    Thank you Lyn for this post! Really! Just when i needed a uplifting of spirit. This post really helped.

    Success seemed to come easily as viewed from the outside. There are always tears and sweat, as well as sacrifices that were made along the way that are general not seen.


    • Lyn

      You are welcome Vivian, I am so happy it helped ! May you be well and happy always… Have a peaceful weekend to recharge !

      • Viv

        You too! Catch up soon!

  5. Benji

    Hi Lyn
    Self-discipline is not that easy.
    We have two shoulder, between the devil and angels and l always pick the wrong one, but devil always fun.
    Lucky me they so many angels around the corner
    Very good moral Lyn keep up
    Thank you

    • Lyn

      Hi Benji, yes it is not easy but nothing is ever easy. What has helped me is to start with simple quiet sitting to calm my mind, it can help one think clearer… start slow, even 5 mins is good… and you can attract even more angels’s help once you put in effort with the first steps which is always the hardest.

  6. Lina

    Taming our mind with perseverance and determination for self discipline…totally agree with what you say. Thanks for sharing Lyn

    • Lyn

      Thank you Lina !

  7. Judy Choong

    Fully agree on the importance of exercising self discipline, especially so as choosing the easy way out is human nature. In addition to having the diligence in keeping to a routine, having the end goal in mind definitely helps! Another great reminder reading your article and let’s encourage one another on our discipline path to success!

    • Lyn

      Thank you Judy for your added insights and thoughts.


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