TikTok – Too Excited That I Overlooked …

by | Feb 11, 2022 | 8 comments

Wishing You A Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Lunar New Year !!!


A joyous week of celebration as we gathered (amidst limited by Covid restrictions) amongst family and friends to celebrate the Lunar New Year. I learnt how to use TikTok.. oh aww, what’s new? Tiktok has been hot trending for a while now but I have resisted using it or creating an account till my staycation this week with my sisters. 


Yes, I have a TikTok account now!


What else can bring so much fun and joy besides spending time with family members, and capturing those moments that we can all enjoy and laugh at afterwards. Best of all is that I am immediately promoted to be a ‘movie’ director and producer without first being an actress!


I Overlooked A Critical Check – Privacy 


In my excitement of creating the impromptu last minute TikTok account and shooting the first video on the Sentosa beach, I have completely overlooked that there is such a thing called “privacy setting”. 


I was shocked when one of my videos popped up on one of my friend’s TikTok account and my sister’s friend’s TikTok account! We are both on that same video. I still have not figured out how TikTok suggests video but I am guessing there must be some face recognition algorithm to determine we are friends. 


So watch out my friend, if you do not want to unknowingly become “famous” 网红 。。。


A Good Reminder – Mindfulness


There are so many things in life that are obvious when your mind is calm and clear, but it can also be so easily overlooked when they are crowded and distracted by many other activities.


Despite the fact that I have been learning to practise mindfulness much more intently this past year, I was still careless and missed the important privacy check. 


This incident really reminded me of the great importance of developing further my mindfulness practice and going into another year of experiencing how to stay calm and clear minded, in any circumstances. I cannot imagine the many potential missteps or mistakes one can make without even being conscious of them when one is not mindful, and the consequences could be more severe.


Tiktok – Good or Bad?


Well, I have been warned that TikTok is super addictive and the algorithm is so intelligent that it will keep pushing content of your interest. The more you view, the more content gets pushed and you would run into a risk of a never ending loop of views.


Well, good or bad, it is all up to each of our personal intentions. So, instead of avoiding it, I have decided to treat it as my teacher to train me discipline to keep to my intention, that is to use the platform as a family sharing of fun memories together.


If I ever get addicted someday, which I hope not, I will let you know for sure For now, I am having fun enjoying the moment and creating those happy memories 😀。。。


Lyn 🌻😊



  1. Dennis

    Learning something new everyday is the your great asset!
    Power to you in setting the way!

    • Lyn

      Yes indeed, we can learn in all kind of situations and places, and I am learning so much just simply from yours and many of my other readers’ comments… Thank you Dennis!

  2. Yam

    Search for dogs… Hillarious!!

    • Lyn

      yeah I did a video for Miso my dog, maybe I should post it public hahahahha

  3. Spring

    Every adventure you take, you learn/see the good and the bad. Realising any overlook or mistake is better to be late than never. Enjoy being actor and director on your tiktok stage .

    • Lyn

      Absolutely, better to be late than never.. and one of the best learnings often comes from a mistake. Thank you Spring !

  4. Eliza

    Lyn good sharing. Glad u join tik tok create own tik tok videos and enjoy capturing those happy moments with family members at sentosa beach despite overlooking the privacy check. Yeah people turn to tik tok not just for entertainment but motivate and inspire us to learn something new and acquire new skills. Thank u Lyn a for your good reminder on tik tok privacy setting and the importance of practicing mindfulness.

    • Lyn

      Thank you Eliza, sounds like you enjoy TikTok too 🙂 … I am inspired by the cooking videos, learning some interesting dishes from there too. And yes, the need to further mindfulness practice to avoid making mistakes is so important…


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