What Is In My Mind…

by | Mar 18, 2022 | 10 comments

Thoughts are very powerful, do you agree ? I believe so…we become what we think. Whether we are happy or stressed depends on how we react to a particular situation and this reaction is a manifestation of our inner thoughts and feelings.


Human beings are not perfect and human connections are very complex. When you like someone, you tend to overlook all their faults and see only the good in them. But this same person could one day become an eyesore and every little thing they do or every single of their behaviour just seems so wrong and would irritate you. 


So what is it that could have changed along the way ? Has the other person changed or is it how you think of them that has changed ?


If it was how you think that might have changed, then how do you watch out for those negativity in your mind and remove them immediately before it develops to become a reality ? 


To Remove Negativity From The Mind…



It is very hard to keep saying “think positive” when one’s mind is filled with negativity.  And it is very hard to remove negativity from the mind unless it is immediately being replaced by something positive.  So there must be concrete steps to act on these 2 simultaneously…


I tried the following experiment with the encouragement of a friend and it seems to be quite effective:


  • Think of one quality in every person you meet each day. Quality that can resonate with high energy positive vibes, e.g. kindness; hardworking; sincerity; generosity; punctuality; etc..Before any negativity can set in, you have already filled your mind with this positivity of that person.


But what if someone said and did something that hurt you badly ? How do you react ? Is it very hard to forget ? Or is it more like you do not want to forget ? Or you are probably even thinking why should you forget ?


Have you struggled with such inner conversations before ? I certainly had. Happiness was like a pendulum that was so dependent on others’ reaction, you felt happy when being appreciated and totally distressed when being criticized or hurt. Try the following for one month…


  • For each deed you do for anyone, think “I do not accept appreciation”. As you develop more confidence and become less dependent on how others’ think and react to stay happy, you will also start to be less affected by any criticism negatively and maybe even accept others for who they are. This can help stabilize that pendulum swing of happiness.


So whatever the situation may be, think right as this is one sure thing that is under our direct control. Meditation is my way to establish that emotional relationship with myself, and to self check progress on my journey towards positive thoughts and actions… this is my continuous Work In Progress.


Lyn 🌻😊



  1. Eliza

    Lyn it’s true what we think is what we become and always watch out for negativity. Very inspiring to love more than we hate, to think of one quality in every person u meet and learn to better self and positive mindsets through mediation. I will try thank u Lyn.

    • Lyn

      Glad you resonated with the article Eliza. Trust you will appreciate the positive outcome from your practice. All the best!

    • Lyn

      Hi Eliza, great to know you find that little tips helpful ! Happy practising..

    • Lyn

      Eliza, so happy you resonate with it. Trust you will slowly and surely experience the power of positive thoughts, as I am slowly and steadily discovering as we commitment ourselves to the practice with lots of discipline.

  2. Judy Choong

    Dear Lyn
    Thank you for yet another great article.

    This reminded me of a book I’d recently read: The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down by Haemin Sunim.
    It mentioned that our mind cannot hold two thoughts at the same time.
    We could consciously practise replacing a negative thought by a positive one for a much preferred outcome.

    This is one of my favorite extract from the book:

    “Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
    Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior.
    Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits.
    Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.
    Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.”


    • Lyn

      Aww Judy, thanks so much for sharing the book key takeaway ! Such great reminder of how our thoughts can lead to word and actions that would define our destiny!

  3. Spring


    First, I like your photo of a lady hugging and giving love to a tree. Nature loves us in countless powerful ways.

    An article with emotions and experience which most people can relate too.

    Tired body does create ugly thought/s. How about disliking and annoy or angry with oneself ? One does expect perfection for oneself too. That’s the reason it leads to destruction and suicide. I agree that when one is feeling negativity, it is good to pull oneself to sit, give, pray or so called meditation.

    Take care,

    • Lyn

      That’s the thing right.. how many of us would comfort ourselves the way we would comfort someone who is in distressed. And if that someone said leave her alone, we would not just give up but still check upon them to show care and kindness. We sometimes forget to take care of our own well being like the way we would care and advise others. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Spring, much appreciated!

  4. Daniel C

    Thanks Lyn for sharing.

    Good reminder. Just had a change of role and flood of negativity flood my mind as I start. Your msg affirm me to focus on the positive. Thanks!

    Also what is on your thoughts will also showed up in your words !!

    • Lyn

      Indeed there are always be so many external environmental changes that could negatively influences our thoughts. happy that you find this article a timely reminder. Trust your strong foundation of practices to focus on the positive will get you through this quickly. All the best in your new role Daniel !


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