Learning To Bring Cheers To Others…

by | Jul 16, 2021 | 15 comments

Good Heart Matters #2


Volunteers of charities are so remarkable and truly deserve our full respect. They have so much warmth in their good hearts and care for others with so much love and kindness…


I recently got to know a full time volunteer who leads the logistic operations for a charitable organisation that distributes free freshly cooked food to thousands of needy families daily across Singapore. The entire operation runs from 5am in the morning till 4pm each day and he has been consistently there seven days a week for the last four years. 


The logistic leader role is extremely pressurizing. He is totally dependent on his network of drivers (which is often short) and thousands of packets of food have to be dispatched to different parts of Singapore latest by 8.30am each morning so that the beneficiaries would not go hungry. 


Just by interacting with him, I could already feel the warmth of his caring energy and compassion…his sacrifices, putting aside himself and helping others has really inspired me. And there are many like-minded full time volunteers like him in the organisation. 



A Simple Act Of Bringing Cheers To Others


I ended up being one of his regular food delivery drivers, but it was not meant to be when I first started. My original intention was to help out in the kitchen and I agreed to drive temporarily since he said they are very short of drivers. Soon my days turn into weeks and now months. My heart gets warmer each day knowing that I have brought a smile to someone’s face with the warm food.


My first delivery was very simple, not many packages to deliver and it was in a nearby estate from the pick-up centre. Soon, he trusted me and gave me much more complex delivery locations. 



Once I made a mistake in my delivery and swapped food across two families, he gracefully told me “It’s ok as long as everyone has food”… That’s the level of calmness and warmth he carries and his good heart has already influenced me quite a great deal.



Good Heart Matters

I used to wonder how these people could sustain the level of their commitment. I am sure there would have been days where their strength and enthusiasm felt drained. I think I am beginning to understand now… it’s their Good Hearts and care for others with so much love and kindness. 

There is so much I can learn just by interacting with this group of kind and caring people and I am learning from them how to care and extend warmth to others. Yes I do believe happiness is not a gift but a skill and learning to bring cheers to others has made me happy. 

Link #goodheartmatters 


Lyn 🌻😊


  1. Mark

    Hi Lyn
    Wow… nice of you to start a #goodheartmatters series of articles to inspire us to have good hearts,

    Actually the world is quite a cold-hearted place now as most people have turned materialistic and have no time to do some good for others. I am looking forward to reading more of your good heart articles and get more inspiration from you . Thank you and keep writing for us .

    • Lyn

      Thank you Mark! Every positive action matters, small or big… and the more we do it, the more our heart warm up. Slowly and surely, we will grow to be a better person while bringing that little cheer to those in need.

  2. Den mark

    Absolutely Lyn

    My personal experience in volunteering resonates with your observations. The more we get involved, the more we learn to be a better person with bigger heart.

    It’s in the eyes of the beneficiaries that we are rewarded as volunteers. And our personal development in the volunteering journey would be enriched with everyday we get to touch our friends in need.

    • Lyn

      Hi Den, thank you so much for sharing your positive experience and well done in your volunteering work!

  3. SKL

    Thanks Lyn for sharing this heart warming story. I am looking forward to your next blog 😉

  4. NS

    Wow! This is amazing. Thanks for motivating us!

    • Lyn

      Thank you NS !

  5. SL

    lyn thanks for sharing your amazing experience.
    Good heart bring you joys and peace.

    • Lyn

      Thank you SL! Yes, it is a blessing being to able to bring joy to others and in turn experience happiness and peace.

  6. Spring

    Contribution to society at whatever age is very importance. You have picked up a new challenge and no work is too small to help the lesser fortunates. Well done and keep up with your kindness. With your talent and intelligence, you will be a great leader to lead and widen the compassion work. Every heart you open is every heart you warm.

    • Lyn

      Thank you Spring! Yes, there is so much I can learn from those good hearted volunteers and the beneficiaries. I am enjoying my journey, indeed no work is too small…

  7. Eliza

    Lyn thank u for sharing your awesome experience. Volunteering helps a person gain a new perspective, relieve stress and raises self-esteem. Indeed, a good way to help the needy by cooking and delivering food to them. Being generous with time and effort show how much the logistic leader and his team of volunteers truly care. Being there every day is not always easy but with their loving support cheer up the people u care knew it.

    • Lyn

      Thanks Eliza ! Indeed these volunteers deserved our utmost respects and there is so much I can keep learning from them !

  8. Thomas

    Hi Lyn! You have a great heart! Hope you enjoy your retirement ! You haven’t change since poly..

    • Lyn

      Thank you Thomas, you are very kind. Retirement has been great, grateful to be able to do things I want to do.


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